✔ 30 Teladan Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Ihwal Grammar Lengkap Dengan Essay

 Contoh Soal Latihan bahasa Inggris Tentang Grammar Lengkap Dengan Essay ✔ 30 Contoh Soal Latihan bahasa Inggris Tentang Grammar Lengkap Dengan Essay

30 Contoh Soal Latihan bahasa Inggris Tentang Grammar Lengkap Dengan Essay

30 Contoh Soal Latihan bahasa Inggris Tentang Grammar Lengkap Dengan Essay - soal grammar bahasa inggris yang kami tuliskan ini berbeda dengan grammar di sekolah formal atau di perguruan tinggi tinggi, namun pada soal ini kami menyediakan 30 soal pilihan ganda dan 9 soal untuk essay yang khusus untuk pondok pesantren. Akan tetapi meskipun di khususkan untuk pesantren anda juga sanggup mengunakannya dalam forum kursus maupun forum formal bila sesuai dengan pembahasan di sekolah.

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Pada pola soal ini kami tidak menyediakan kunci jawabannya alasannya kami yakin anda sanggup menjawabnya dengan benar dan baik meskipun anda masih level intermediate ( Pemula ). Tanpa banyak mukaddimah berikut 30 pola soal latihan grammar bahasa inggris beserta essaynya.


1. What ………….. Let’s go to the party.
    a. are you waiting for?
    b. you are waiting for?
    c. will you waiting for? 
    d. do you waiting for?
2. Kate and I live in an apartment.  …………. roommates.
    a. We 
    b. They are  
    c. We are 
    d. Our
3. Jim and I …………. lunch at the cafeteria two hours ago.
    a. eat  
    b. eating  
    c. ate  
    d. eats
4. Mr. Rice is a police officer.  …………. busy every day.
    a. He is  
    b. Him  
    c. His  
    d. He
5. Nadia isn’t in class today because of she …………. the flu.
    a. has 
    b. haves  
    c. doesn’t have
    d. have
6. Bob is in the class today. He …………. in class yesterday too
    a. was 
    b.  is
    c. does
    d. did
7. My mother and father …………. breakfast at 07.00 every day.
    a. eating 
    b. eat  
    c. eats  
    d. ate
8. X: ………….
    Y: I’ll see Mr. Daimen tomorrow afternoon.
    a. When you will see Mr. Daimen?
    b. When will you see Mr. Daimen?
    c. When you will be seen Mr. Daimen?
    d. When you be see Mr. Daimen
9. A: Will you be here by seven o’clock?
    B: It’s hard to say. Maybe I …………. there a little late.
    a. will be 
    b. am going
    c. going to be
    d. will
10. The class ……. at 09.00 but it begins at 08.00 am in the morning.
    a. isn’t begin    
    b. doesn’t begins
    c. doesn’t begin    
    d. don’t begin
11. Sometimes I worry about my grades at college but Sonya never …………. about her grades.
    b. worries
    c. worrying
    d. is worries
12. It rains a lot in this city, but it …………. right now
    a.isn’t rain
    b. isn’t rains
    c. doesn’t rain
    d. isn’t raining
13. Roberto cooks his own dinner every evening. Right now he …………. rice and beans.
    b. is cook
    c. cooks
    d. is cooking
14. The baby …………. for three hours.
    a. has sleeping
    b. has sleep
    c. has slept
    d. has been slept
15. Someone ………. the door now. We are not in the living room.
    a. knocked
    b. knock
    c. is knocking
    d. are knocking
16. …………. You and Fauzan at the library last night?
    b. Did
    c.  Are
    d. Do
17. Yesterday, umi Hur …………. time for lunch. He was busy.
    a. wasn’t have
    b. haven’t
    c. didn’t have
    d. hadn’t
18. …………. for the bus at a bus stop yesterday morning?
    a. Did Kakak nyonyok wait
    b. Did Kakak nyonyok waiting
    c. Did Kakak nyonyok waits
    d. Was Kakak nyonyok wait
19. Nyonyok’s family will take a trip and go to the beach ………….
    a. last vacation
    b. vacation ago
    c. next vacation
    d. next vacation later
20. Mudir has just …………. from Japan, she looks tired.
    a. returning
    b. returns
    c. returned
    d. has been returned
21. What are they doing right now?
    a. They are doing swimming  
    b. They swim right now
    c. They are swimming 
    d. They usually go swimming
22. I will be in class tomorrow, but I …………. in class the day after tomorrow.
    a. will be not
    b. will not be
    c. will not
    d. will be
23. X: ……………….
      Y: The plane arrived at 07.05 this morning
    a. What time was the plane arrived?
    b. What time did the plane arriving?
    c. What time did the plane arrives?
    d. What time did the plane arrive?
24. …………. to school together every morning?
    a. Are you walk  
    b. Do you walking
    c. Are you walking  
    d. Do you walk
25. A: Are Bapak Nyonyok and Ibu Nyonyok going to be at the meeting?
      B: No, They’re too busy. They …………. be there
     a. don’t
     b. will
     c. won’t
     d. may
26. The new manager ……. many difficulties since he came to the office.
     a. has got
     b. has getting
     c. has get
     d. has been got
27. Carmen and I …… the salary yet. So, we can’t buy those clothes.
     a.haven’t get
     b. haven’t getting
     c.haven’t got
     d. have got
28. X: How long………….  here?
      Y: I have been here since January
     a. have you
     b. are you
     c. have you been
     d. do you
29. We don’t have rain every day, We ………. rain two days ago.
     a. have
     b. had
     c. haved
     d. having
30. Umi Hur and her husband …………. Sembalun for many times.
     a.have visiting
     b. have visited
     c.have visit
     d. have been visited


            1.  Tuliskan bilangan pokok dari 11-20 dalam bahasa Inggris
            2.  Tulislah bilangan pokok dibawah ini dalam bahasa Inggris
3. Tulislah bilangan bertingkat dalam bhsa inggris dari 1 – 10
4. Tulislah operation number di bawah ini dalam bahasa inggris
 5 x 7 = 36          :
190- 45= 145      :
7 + 7 = 14            :
60 : 30 =10          :
5. Apa kepanjangan serta perbedaan AM dan PM, jelaskan
6. Jawablah waktu dibawah ini kedalam bahasa Inggris
6:00 =
7. Tulislah nama nama hari dalam bahasa Inggris dengan benar dan tepat
8. Tulislah pola kalimat
a)      Simple Present tense
b)      Simple past tense
c)       Simple future tense
9. Tulislah minimal 5 kata bijak (wise words )yang anda ketahui dalam bahasa inggris?

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